Bogdan-George Dinescu




About me

I am a hardworking and ambitious individual with a great passion for software development. I love to learn everything that can improve my IT skills. I am working at Lenovo as Java developer and I am currently in my second year of Software Engineering Master's degree.


Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Bucharest

Master's degree in Software Engineering

2021 - 2023

Bachelor's degree - grade 9.83 / 10

2018 - 2021


Java Developer at Lenovo

11.2021 - present

I am currently working at Lenovo as Java developer, bringing value to the project and improving my skills. I am working with Java Spring, Spring Data, various databases like PostgreSQL and MongoDB, GNU/Linux, networking equipment and others.

Rovomatico Internship


By participating I’ve learned a lot about working in a larger team, principles of coding, test driven development, trunk based development, git, debug techniques and others. I worked on an internal project, made with Java Spring Framework and Vue.js for frontend.

Software Development Center University of Bucharest

07.2020 - 09.2020

Application of management of internship documents. The app worked as a middleman between the student, companies and faculty. The app was made using ASP.NET and React.



Final Degree Project


This is a news aggregator. The back-end part is written using .NET Core framework and the front-end part is made using the Angular framework. It collects news articles from many news sites every day (through rss). Using the SimHash algorithm, it groups news based on their similarity. The user selects which news sources to follow before seeing the news feed, they can also see weather information for the current location or a custom one. All user preferences are saved, and available on other devices they log in.



A team project consisting of an android app. The app is written in Java. It allows users to find nearby events on the map, and see their scheduled events in the calendar. It uses location services to determine where the user is and Google Firebase for storing and retrieving data.

Pe Linie


An online platform for sharing photos. I used Node.js for handling Ajax requests, MongoDB for storing all the data that users generate and javascript for the frontend.

Advanced object oriented programming


A small cinema management and ticketing app written in Java. I used Swing for frontend and JDBC for connecting to an Oracle database.

Procedural Programing Project

The project was made in C. The first part consisted in encrypting a bmp photo. The pixels were shuffled with the Durstenfeld shuffle algorithm starting from a key number. Using the same number, the image can be decrypted doing the same steps in reverse. The second part was template matching digits in a bmp image by verifying the correlation of pixels.

Mutex and semaphore

Implementation of mutex and semaphore in OpenBSD. I implemented them as spinlocks using atomic compare-and-swap operations.